You are not fat, Your stomach is swollen and here’s how to get rid of it!

There is nothing appealing about an inflated belly that looks like a huge balloon that is about to explode, not to mention all the gas and discomfort. Bloating is common after heavy meals, but for some people, they are an integral part of their daily lives.

What makes your stomach swell?

1– Insufficient water consumption

Dehydration is a major cause of many health problems. Excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol also contributes to the problem. When was the last time you drank 6 to 8 glasses of water during the day?

When the body runs out of water, it uses liquids from its tissues, which means that bloating can occur as a result of fluid retention. So, try to drink more water.

2- Constipation

Constipation is a rather unpleasant problem, and it indicates that you need more fiber-rich foods. The gases that are trapped behind the faeces will not stay still for a long time, you know.

Increase the fibers gradually, otherwise it will make the problem worse. Eat more good salads. Indulge yourself with smoothies and berries. Sounds delicious, does not it?

3- Chronic stress

Believe it or not, stress can cause bloating. When you are stressed, your digestive system fails to perform its function properly. Your bloating can be caused by constipation and upset stomach. So, try to free yourself from negative emotions, and you will solve your problem for good.

4- Eat too fast

Partially chewed foods are digested slowly, and you are bloated. It’s that simple. So take small bites and chew well.

5- Carbohydrates

Excessive intake of carbohydrates can contribute to your bloated belly. Consider eating low carb foods, and drastically reducing your sugar and alcohol intake. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

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