A multitude of common physical and mental conditions are strongly linked to the consumption of pure refined sugar.
In 1957, doctor William Coda Martin tried to answer this question: “when is a food really a food and when is it a poison? “The definition of the word” poison “according to which he worked was:” from a medical point of view: any substance to which the body is exposed, substance ingested or developed inside the body, causing or capable of causing disease. From a physical point of view: any substance that inhibits the activity of a catalyst, a catalyst being a minor substance, a chemical substance or an enzyme which activates a reaction. “1 The dictionary gives an even broader definition of the word” poison “:” exert a harmful influence or denature “.
Dr. Martin has classified refined sugar as poisons because it has been deprived of its vital forces, vitamins, and minerals. What remains is refined, pure carbohydrates. The body can only use this refined starch and carbohydrate if the proteins, vitamins and minerals that have been removed are present. Nature provides these elements in sufficient quantity in each plant to metabolize the carbohydrate of each of these particular plants.
There is no excess for extra carbohydrates. Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism causes toxic metabolites like pyruvic acid and abnormal sugars with five carbon atoms to form. Pyruvic acid builds up in the brain and nervous system, and abnormal sugars build up in red blood cells. These toxic metabolites interfere with cell respiration. They cannot get enough oxygen to survive and function normally. In the long run, some cells die. This hinders the functioning of a part of the body and is the start of a degenerative disease. “2
Refined sugar is deadly to humans who ingest it because the only things it does are what nutritionists describe as “empty” or “stripped” calories. It lacks the natural minerals that are present in sugar beet or cane. In addition, taking sugar is worse than taking nothing, because sugar empties and deprives the body of valuable vitamins and minerals, due to the demands that its digestion, detoxification and elimination place on our entire system.
Balance is so important to our body that we have many ways to compensate for the sudden shock of a large absorption of sugar. Minerals such as sodium (from salt), potassium and magnesium (from vegetables), and calcium (from bones) are mobilized and used during chemical transmutation; neutral acids are produced which try to bring the balancing factor between acidic and alkaline blood fluids to a more normal level.
Daily consumption of sugar produces a permanent excess of acidity, and it is necessary to draw more and more minerals deep inside the body to try to correct this imbalance. In the end, in order to protect the blood, so much calcium is drawn from the bones and teeth that they deteriorate and that a general weakening begins to be felt. Too much sugar ends up affecting every organ in the body.
Initially, it is stored in the liver in the form of glucose (glycogen). The liver’s capacity being limited, a daily consumption of refined sugar (beyond the quantity of natural sugar necessary) soon makes the liver swell like a balloon. When the liver is full to the full, excess glycogen returns to the blood as fatty acids. These are taken to each part of the body and stored in the most inactive areas: the belly, buttocks, breasts and thighs.
When these relatively harmless places are completely full, the fatty acids are then distributed among the active organs, such as the heart and the kidneys. These begin to operate at idle; their tissues eventually degenerate and turn into fat. The whole body suffers from the decrease in their capacity, and an abnormal blood pressure appears. The parasympathetic nervous system is affected; and the organs it governs, like the cerebellum, become inactive or paralyzed. (Ordinary brain function is rarely considered to be as biological as digestion). The circulatory and lymphatic systems are invaded, and the quality of red blood cells begins to change. There is an overabundance of white blood cells, and tissue creation slows down.
The tolerance and immunization capacity of our body becomes more limited, therefore we cannot react properly in the face of severe attacks, whether cold, heat, mosquitoes or microbes.
An excess of sugar has a very harmful effect on the functioning of the brain. The key to well-regulated brain function is glutamic acid, a vital compound found in many vegetables. B vitamins play a major role in breaking down glutamic acid into complementary antagonistic compounds that cause a “continuation” or “control” reaction in the brain. B vitamins are also made by symbiotic bacteria that live in our intestines. When we consume refined sugar every day, these bacteria weaken and die, and our supply of B vitamins drops very low. Too much sugar makes us drowsy; we lose our faculties of calculation and memory.
The shipwrecked sailors who ate and drank only sugar and rum for nine days surely suffered from some aspects of this trauma; the stories they had to tell created a big PR problem for the sugar sellers.
The incident occurred when a ship carrying a cargo of sugar sank in 1793. The five surviving sailors were finally rescued after feeling abandoned for nine days. They were emaciated because they hadn’t eaten, having consumed nothing but sugar and rum.
This incident prompted the eminent French physiologist F. Magendie to carry out a series of experiments on animals, the results of which he published in 1816. During these experiments, he made dogs follow a diet made of sugar or olive oil and water. All the dogs withered and died.
The shipwrecked sailors and the dogs of the French physiologist’s experiments have proven the same thing. As a regular food, taking sugar is worse than taking nothing. Pure water can keep you alive for a while. Sugar and water can kill you. Human beings [and animals] are “incapable of subsistence by eating only sugar” .4
The deaths of the dogs in Professor Magendie’s laboratory alerted the sugar industry to the risks of independent scientific investigation. From that day until today, the sugar industry has invested millions of dollars to discreetly subsidize science. We hired some of the biggest names in science money could buy, in the hope that they might someday come up with something at least pseudo-scientific to improve the image of sugar.
It has been proven, however, that (1) sugar is a major factor in tooth deterioration; (2) sugar in a person’s diet actually causes excess weight; (3) the removal of sugar from diets cured some symptoms of universal illnesses that left patients very diminished, such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin, noted in Panama in 1921 that among the owners of sugar plantations who ate large quantities of their refined product, diabetes was common.
Among the native cane cutters, who only chewed the raw cane, there was no case of diabetes.
However, sugar manufacturers’ attempts at public relations began in Britain in 1808 when the West Indies Committee reported to the House of Commons that a reward of twenty-five guineas had been offered to anyone able to offer the most “satisfactory” experiences to prove that unrefined sugar was good for feeding and fattening oxen, cows, pigs and sheep.5 Animal feed often depends on the season, it is always expensive. Sugar, at that time, was very inexpensive. People weren’t consuming it fast enough.
Naturally, in 1808, the attempt to feed cattle with sugar and molasses was a disaster in England. When the West Indies Committee made its fourth report to the House of Commons, one of the members of Parliament, John Curwin, reported that he had tried to feed calves with sugar and molasses but that it had failed. He suggested that maybe someone should try again by discreetly slipping sugar and molasses into skim milk. If this had been successful, you can be sure that the West Indian sugar merchants would have spread the news around the world. After this peculiar lack of success in their attempt to put sugar on the pastures of cows, the sugar merchants of the West Indies gave up.
Endowed with unwavering zeal to increase market demand for the most important agricultural product in the West Indies, the West Indies Committee was reduced to using a tactic that has served sugar sellers for almost 200 years: irrelevant and clearly stupid testimonies from far away, inaccessible people with some sort of “scientific” references. A former commentator called them “bribed consciences”.
The House of Commons committee had such a hard time finding local sugar advocates that it was reduced to quoting a doctor from the distant city of Philadelphia, leader of the recent American colonial rebellion: “The great Doctor Rush of Philadelphia said that sugar contains more nutrients in the same mass than any other known substance. (Emphasis has been added). At the same time, this same doctor Rush preached that masturbation was the cause of madness! If one were to quote such an ambiguous statement as this, one can be sure that there would be no veterinarian in Britain who would recommend sugar to care for and feed cows, pigs or sheep.
In preparing his memorable volume, A History of Nutrition, published in 1957, Professor BV McCollum (of Johns Hopkins University), sometimes called America’s greatest nutritionist and certainly a pioneer in this field, reviewed approximately 200,000 published scientific brochures, listing experiences with food, their properties, use and effects on animals and humans. The documents covered the period from the middle of the 18th century until 1940. From this large repertoire of scientific investigations, McCollum chose the experiments he considered significant “to relate the history of progress by discovering the error human in this branch of science [nutrition]. “
Professor McCollum has failed to report a single scientifically controlled experiment on sugar between 1816 and 1940.
Unfortunately, we have to remember that scientists have always accomplished little without being sponsored. Modern science protocols have increased the costs of scientific investigation.
We should not be surprised when we read the introduction to A History of Nutrition by McCollum and discover that “The author and the editors thank the Foundation for Nutrition, for the subsidy which it granted to them in order to cover part the cost of publishing this book. ” You might ask: “What is the Nutrition Foundation? “The author and the publishers are not telling you. This turns out to be an organization for the big sugar conglomerates in the food industry, including the American Sugar Refining Company, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Curtis Candy, General Foods, General Mills, the company Nestlé, Pet Milk and Sunshine Biscuits – about 45 companies in all.
Perhaps the most significant thing about McCollum’s 1957 work was what he left out: a monumental earlier work described by a prominent Harvard professor as “one of these research works memorable, making any other researcher bite their fingers at never having thought of doing the same thing. ” In the 1930s, a dentist, also a researcher, from Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Weston A. Price, traveled the world – from the lands of the Eskimos to Oceania, from Africa to New Zealand. His book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects, 6 which is illustrated by hundreds of photographs, was published for the first time in 1939.