How to increase the basic metabolism

comment-augmenter-le-metabolisme-de-baseIncrease its basic metabolism by strengthening the muscles thus increasing muscle mass is the ideal sports program to lose weight and keep in shape. Eat complex carbohydrates rather than fat and drink plenty of water are also effective methods to stimulate metabolism.


BMR and weight
Basal metabolism is increased at any age by doing weight training for both men and women. Whatever the age of the sports muscles represent approximately 50% of body weight and are very active metabolically; muscle mass is energy. If you have less muscle mass, metabolism slows necessarily. An 8% increase in basal metabolism was even seen among people aged over 65 who had begun weight training while the natural tendency is slower than 2% per decade after age 40. Continue reading “How to increase the basic metabolism”

Foods that increase the loss of fat

meilleur-regime-pour-maigrir-naturellement-dissocieLosing fat begins purchases of food. Take control of what you eat to lose weight and get fat loss therefore starts with knowing manage what you buy as anti fat foods.

Whenever you put a low-calorie food in the trolley or cart, you take responsibility for your weight loss and fat, even before you sit down for a meal and consume these anti fat foods.

There is a simple formula for eating so lighter in calories to lose weight and lose fat: stock up on poor basic calorie foods. These foods are the basic ingredients packaged or canned or frozen, you can use at any time to create succulent dishes, healthy and low in calories. Continue reading “Foods that increase the loss of fat”

Fat burners to lose weight fast

meilleur-regime-pour-maigrir-naturellement3Among the many supplements found on the market include the fat-burning. Supposed to rid the body of stored fat, these products delicious name multiply, especially before the summer period flagship schemes. How do they work? Are they really effective? Safe ? Dive into the world of fat burning.

The various compositions, these supplements are designed to burn fat. While their effectiveness remains controversial, they can be a little more in a real system.

rinciple and composition of the fat-burning:
Fat burners are dietary supplements which aims to accelerate the BMR. They thereby promote calorie destocking and / or activation of lipolysis in adipocytes (fat melting stored). If one increases the basal metabolism, the body consumes more energy. The lipolysis phenomenon transforms large molecules of fatty acid reserves nested in adipocytes in small molecules Free Fatty Acids easily mobilized by the body and whose removal is possible. Continue reading “Fat burners to lose weight fast”

Foods that help to burn abdominal fat

Strong and healthy.The abdomen area is, without doubt, the most critical part of our body. The fat accumulates without our realizing it, breaking the balance of our waistlines. What can we do ? We recommend that you include the following foods in your diet. With a little effort, you can get there.
The ideal is to eat in small quantities. The apple is a fruit that can help us burn fat, so it is advisable to consume two or three a day. In addition to eat for breakfast, remember to prepare a delicious apple juice.

Recommendations for burning abdominal fat
incorrect life habits, some sedentary and poor diet can make us accumulions fat in our abdomen. As we know, miracles do not exist, succeed in having a smooth belly requires some effort and sacrifice. These sacrifices will focus primarily on avoiding the dishes that cause water retention and store fat. That is why we initially recommend the following things : Continue reading “Foods that help to burn abdominal fat”

Methods and tips to lose weight fast

des-soins-pour-perdre-son-ventre7In this section we will see various methods and tips to lose weight quickly and naturally.

1. Cabbage soup diet:

The principle of this diet?

You prepare throughout the day cabbage soup or just rather soups made from vegetables to eat at will. The regime admits fruit and an opportunity to eat meat, but at times.

You can drink tea without sugar and coffee.

–> Expected results :

Indeed with such a regime, it is certain that you will lose weight quickly or even starving yourself … It is estimated a loss of roughly 5kg in 1 week. You can even lose 10 kilos if this type of plan is extended a little longer.

–> My opinion :

Vegetables are always good, it’s better than eating fast food.
However, this type of diet is not sustainable over time and perhaps even disturbing if prolonged. Make sure you stabilize your diet once arrested for not regain your weight (yo-yo effect).
-> My rating: 4.5 / 5 in the short term, 1/5 in the medium term. Continue reading “Methods and tips to lose weight fast”