All information about the diet of dates and milk

informations-sur-le-regime-alimentaire-des-dattes-et-du-laitIn this article we offer to those who follow our site« Naturel Diet »  the wonderful scheme of dates and milk, which can help lose unwanted weight quickly to all who wish / want a thinner appearance someday soon. Where he could lose the body of 3-4 kilos in one week. And can be spaced intervals are repeated to adjust the weight and maintain the agility of the organization.

Who among us does not love all kinds of special dates, when combined with milk, it is in this case reminds us of the holy month of Ramadan, which was considered a ritual rituals. And diet of dates and milk is a simple and extremely easy and can be considered a fast diet program plan, where it contributes to significant weight loss in a short period. Continue reading “All information about the diet of dates and milk”

Fast diet helps lose 10 kilos of weight in a week

regime-rapide-aide-a-perdre-10-kilos-de-poids-en-une-semaineAlways ask how you can lose 10 kilos of weight in a week?

To accommodate my wedding dress? Then comes many occasions when you need to lose weight, such as concerts or wedding ceremonies or even sadness. Generally women at parties look for better wear what they have in order to be the perfect clothes that make them look fantastic, but can be obtained little weight and sweeping two things is shopping for new dress again or follow the following tips that will help with the loss of 10 kg in a week.

And all you have to do in the second option is to adhere to the diet plan and so that when non-compliance plan leads to the emergence of adverse side effects, the simplest example where the poor diet followed during the week, you will see the signs of aging on your face appeared.

Change your lifestyle: Continue reading “Fast diet helps lose 10 kilos of weight in a week”

Losing excess weight in a week with a diet of dates and milk

Perdre-les-exces-du-poids-en-une-semaine-avec-un-regime-de-dattes-et-du-laitLearn more about us today on what you want to know everything about the diet of dates and milk, and a fascinating flexible body in a week.

At first, we were invited to present what this diet plan consists of a number of dates divided all day on the form of three main meals, and each meal of the seven pearls of dates accompanied by a glass of milk or low fat milk. Continue reading “Losing excess weight in a week with a diet of dates and milk”

How to lose weight in a week

regime-naturel-comment-perdre-du-poids-en-une-semaine1To all those who dream of losing weight quickly and easily, start with the basics. What are the most effective ways to lose weight? Certainly many of you will say, fasting, diet, exercise. Here is a new popular government to be combined with the following rules. So, read the diet plan:

Day 1:

All day, eat only vegetables. No bread or meat, cheese and other foods. Only vegetables and tea are allowed to date. Continue reading “How to lose weight in a week”

Foods that make weight loss over the long term

7db91711d8ritionThis is not only because of a slowing metabolism due to age we gain weight here and there. A recent study published by the New England Journal of Medicine followed more than 120,000 non-obese people over 20 years and shows that take or lose weight is strongly linked to our diet and activities.

On average participants took 1.7kg for each period of four years, for a total weight gain of 8.4kg for the twenty years they have analyzed. A daily increase in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt nature and whole grains are linked to weight loss. While the increase in consumption of fries, chips, potatoes, sugary drinks, red meat and other meat preparations, desserts and sweets, refined grains, fruit juice, butter and cheese are relative to weight gain. Continue reading “Foods that make weight loss over the long term”

How to lose weight and be fulfilled?

comment-perdre-du-poids-sans-effort-et-rapidement-regime-naturel1• Want it :

Find your motivation, your WHY.

Why do you want to lose weight now? Are you determined to lose once and for all?

How do you see yourself in three months, in 1 year?

How will you reward yourself? A nice stylish outfit? A weekend getaway in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe? A complete makeover? More … your reward will be important to you, the more your motivation will be great!

• Find help :

Often when one undertakes such a goal, it is demotivating and quickly fails. There is so much misinformation on this subject, so contradictory discourses we no longer know whom to trust.

Moreover, the circle does not always share your purpose and your decision, and does not want to commit to your side to support you along the way.

Give yourself every chance to succeed: Find friends who want to lose weight as you and join together a “Challenge Weight Control,” go to the gym in your area, ask for the services of a coach particular nutrition, register in the nutrition Club in your area … Continue reading “How to lose weight and be fulfilled?”

Tips to weight loss with natural diet

1240346221b0i9B0The question everyone asks is to find the best method to lose weight in the shortest time. There are indeed quick dieting acting fat burner quickly, and tricks that can erase the excess weight in a few weeks. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of diet.

The benefits of diets to weight loss fast

This often advocated by nutritionists and dietitians technical currently attract many people. Indeed, losing weight quickly is possible by adopting a strict rule of life. You can get results only two weeks after it passed. So, to the desires of a dream body to the beach or to find his line before school, such plans remain effective. Besides this, there is no need to spend months dieting so that the result will be the same. So often pressed people will be satisfied with this diet.

Indeed, as the schemes designed to lose weight quickly attack the metabolism, so it can not be without drawbacks. When you adopt a quick diet, you get a result as soon as possible, but in some people it can lead to other diet-related problems such as bulimia or anorexia. Therefore, opt for these diets that do lose weight fast should be taken in the utmost caution. Continue reading “Tips to weight loss with natural diet”

How to weight loss quickly and effortlessly

comment-perdre-du-poids-sans-effort-et-rapidement-regime-naturelCalculate your body mass index. Depending on your size, your current weight, your bone structure and your standard of daily activities … You are overweight, but truly overweight. Not just at the limit of what you believe will be more aesthetic. No, BMI indicates that you have two kilos more to lose. Needless to emphasize that you need to react immediately to limit efforts to return to a healthy weight. Not an idealized weight according to the criteria of magazines, but simply a normal weight to ensure a flourishing health.

The verdict is irreversible: you must lose weight. It’s so unfair, especially since gluttony is your guilty pleasure. Never mind, there are hundreds of ways to satisfy your taste buds while sparing your unnecessary fat storage. How? By adopting healthy eating habits and / or by slightly increasing your volume of physical activity.

There is nothing mysterious, good food brings to the body and the body in general exceptional serenity. This also allows the body to generate a reassuring second energy that the individual in all his daily obligations. Also, to eat properly, it is an inventory of foods normally taken in a week. Once this inventory made, simply remove some harmful habits. Continue reading “How to weight loss quickly and effortlessly”

The myths for fat loss

regime-naturel-les-mythes-pour-la-perte-de-graisseWe will talk about the myths for fat loss that are in our opinion too present in people’s heads and that for too many years. We believe it is time to shed light on these myths and we will try to enlighten you to see more clearly.

Eating too little to burn fat:

To burn your fat one of the worst things to do is to make a strict diet so as to eat too little which will result in slowing down your basal metabolism will cause a crash of your body to burn fat. If your diet is really too few calories your body will go into survival mode and it will begin to store everything he can.

Eat rather to slim down, and we’ll never remember enough, take 5-6 small meals a day to maintain your highest metabolism possible, which will also serve to maintain your muscle mass, because the goal is to lose the fat without losing muscle, at least avoiding as much as possible to lose and it therefore requires a diet rich in protein and a good strength training. Continue reading “The myths for fat loss”

Natural diet binomial solution to lose weight more easily

regime-naturel-maigrir-en-binome-solution-pour-perdre-du-poids-plus-facilementFirst, we want to find the line to be thin in her swimsuit, comfortable on the beaches and good about yourself on vacation. Then, summer is the time of marriages and baptisms, we must ask about photos that will adorn your long shows.

However, our lifestyle affects our line during the year, a few kilos settle. Both men and women are affected by this settlement phenomenon: less balanced diet, lack of exercise, etc …

However, when summer arrives:

Women are often the first to get its act together and fight against this situation. They then enjoy the beautiful days to run and varied diet by including fruits and vegetables in season. Result: a few weeks, you can successfully lose the kilos accumulated during the year. Continue reading “Natural diet binomial solution to lose weight more easily”