The sleep hormone, secreted by the body, to lose weight.
Scientists from the University of Granada have shown that melatonin, a natural hormone secreted by the body’s own body, also serves to control weight without the need to reduce food intake, and improves the lipid profile of the blood by reducing triglycerides, increasing HDL cholesterol and lowering LDL cholesterol.
Melatonin is a natural hormone made by the epiphysis, a small gland in the center of the brain, whose main role is to control the body’s circadian rhythm, an internal system that governs the cycles of falling asleep and waking up. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant. The level of melatonin produced by the body varies a lot from one individual to another.
The essential role of melatonin until now seemed to control the cycles of sleep and wakefulness. It allows the brain to regulate its internal clock and the cycle of sleep and wakefulness.
The opinion of researchers
The researchers analyzed the effects of melatonin on obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypertension associated with obesity in young obese diabetic Zucker rats, an experimental model of metabolic syndrome. Since the benefits derived from the administration of melatonin occurred in young rats, before developing metabolic and vascular complications, scientists believe that melatonin may help prevent cardiovascular disease associated with obesity and dyslipidemia.
The authors of the study point out that if this research is confirmed in humans, the administration of melatonin and the ingestion of foods containing it could become a tool to fight obesity and the risk factors associated with it. .
Source of melatonin
While melatonin is produced by the body, it is also found in small doses in certain fruits and vegetables, such as mustard, Goji berries, almonds and sunflower seeds, cardamom, fennel, cilantro and vegetables. cherries, hence their consumption could help control weight and prevent cardiovascular disease associated with obesity and dyslipidemia.
There are also melatonin supplements generally in the dosage range from 1 to 5 mg.
To properly use melatonin, it is very important to know which supplement to use (regardless of the brand), the dosage and especially with what other natural supplement it must be consumed to be effective.
All this information, as well as the advice of Susy Cohem, the most famous pharmacist in the United States, is detailed in our column: Melatonin: recommendations of Suzy Cohen R. Ph.
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