Natural diet without fat diet

Regime-naturel-sans-graisse-pour-maigrirDieting without fat thus decrease fat while increasing carbohydrates in its menu to lose weight.
To lose weight you simply must eat less fat. We must reduce the proportion of fat in your diet, ie oil, butter, cream, visible fat of meat (pork, lamb, duck), cold meats, fried foods, all preparations, sauce and seasoning base oil, butter, cream, margarine and any fat. Prefer low-fat fish to meat. Choose skim dairy products and low in fat.

Lipids are indeed essential to life, but the needs are only the value of a tablespoon of oil and butter desert, or the equivalent in milk fat per day. You could eliminate the limit all fats. It is not necessary to be too excessive, but be aware that the more you will reduce fat to non fat foods more easily you will lose weight. In return you must increase the share of non-sweet carbohydrate foods, ie cereal (bread- pasta – rice …), vegetables, and maintain the normal share of fruits (2 to 3 per day).
Diet set

When your food intake outside the 3 main meals so you take 50-80 grams (3 slices) of bread, dry or with a tomato, or 100 to potatoes 200g (without of course fat) or a yoghurt skimmed and fruit, or 100 to 150g of pasta or rice (weighed cooked) without fat.

Chew each bite at length by mixing with saliva before swallowing. These are foods that provide carbohydrates while calming the hunger better, ideally potatoes (cooked in water with skin), then the rice and finally the bread and pasta.

Eat less sugar, although a carbohydrate, because the calm wrong hunger sugar; then it tends to absorb more calories than it spends. It must also eat the least cakes (almost all sweet and very rich in fat) and avoid drinking sodas or colas.

To eliminate the special fat cellulite produced by femoral lipoprotein lipase other tricks exist.

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