Many reasons why you need a mango every day

Many reasons why you need a mango every day

Mangoes could very well be the queen of all fruits. They fight cancer, alkalize the body, help with weight loss, regulate diabetes, aid digestion, cleanse your skin, and are a perfect snack. Here are many healthy reasons why you should eat a mango every day.

Nutritional value
One cup of mangoes (225 grams) contains the following percentages for daily intake.
105 calories
76% of vitamin C (antioxidant and stimulant of the immune system)
25% of vitamin A (antioxidant and vision)
11% of vitamin B6 as well as other B vitamins (production of hormones in the brain and prevention of heart disease)
9% healthy prebiotic fiber
9% copper (copper is a co-factor for many vital enzymes as well as the production of red blood cells)
7% potassium (to balance our high sodium intake)
4% of magnesium

  1. Fights cancer
    The antioxidants such as quercetin, isoquercitrine, astragaline, fisetin, gallic acid and methyl gallate found in mango protect the body against colon, breast, prostate, and breast cancer. leukemia.
  2. Keeps cholesterol under control
    Mango has a high level of vitamin C, pectin and fiber which help lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important part of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
  3. Skin cleanser
    Mangoes help you unclog pores and add freshness to the face. Mangoes can be applied to any type of skin. They help purify the clogged pores that cause acne. Just cut a mango into thin slices and keep them on your face for 10 to 15 minutes, then take a bath or wash your face and see the result.
  4. Alkalizes the body
    According to natural health, mango is rich in tartaric acid, malic acid and traces of citric acid, which mainly help maintain the body’s alkaline reserve.
  5. Weight loss
    Mango has a lot of vitamins and nutrients that help the body feel fuller. In addition, the fibrous fruit stimulates the digestive function of the body by burning additional calories, contributing to weight loss.
  6. Regulates diabetes
    Not only fruit, but mango leaves are good for you too. For people with diabetes, just boil 5-6 mango leaves in a container, soak overnight and drink the filtered decoction in the morning. This helps regulate your insulin levels.
    Mango has a low glycemic index (41-60) so eating too much will not increase your sugar levels.
  7. Aphrodisiac
    Mango has aphrodisiac qualities and is also called the “fruit of love”. Mangoes increase manhood in men. Vitamin E, which is found in abundance in mangoes, helps regulate sex hormones and stimulates libido.
  8. Eye health
    Did you know that mango is rich in vitamin A. A cup of sliced ​​mangoes is equal to 25% of your daily need for vitamin A. Mangoes help promote good eyesight, fight against dry eyes and also prevent blindness night.
  9. Helps digestion
    Mango contains enzymes that help break down proteins. The fibrous nature of mango aids in digestion and elimination. It is rich in prebiotic dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  10. Heat stroke
    When the sun paralyzes you this summer, just put the mango slices in a juice extractor; add a little water and a few drops of stevia or a tablespoon of honey. This juice will allow you to cool down and avoid heat stroke.
  11. Strengthens your immunity
    The fatal combination of vitamin C, vitamin A and 25 different kinds of carotenoids keeps your immune system healthy.
  12. Body scrub
    Make a paste with mango puree, honey and coconut milk and use it for a body scrub, you will feel that your skin is tender and smooth.
  13. Helps with concentration and memory
    Are you studying for exams? This fruit is rich in glutamic acid – an important protein for concentration and memory. Feed your children mangoes if they have trouble concentrating while studying.
  14. Iron rich for women
    Mango is rich in iron, so it’s a great natural solution for people with anemia. Pregnant and menopausal women can indulge in mangoes as this will increase their iron and calcium levels at the same time.
  15. Reduces kidney stones
    In Chinese medicine, mangoes are considered sweet and sour with cooling energy also capable of reducing the risk of kidney stone formation.
  16. Perfect snack
    Instead of snacking on unhealthy crisps and cookies, why not feast on mango slices instead. They are perhaps one of the tastiest dehydrated fruits of all.
  17. Stomach tonic
    Before going to bed put 10 or 15 mango leaves in hot water and close the lid. Filter the water the next morning and drink it on an empty stomach. Do it regularly.

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