How to weight loss fast hips?

regime-naturel-maigrir-hanchesHips are a fat storage area. Some, of course, more fat in this location than others. It is a matter of morphology, as with everything, there are women who store more in one place than another. So it’s a natural thing but that can be a problem for some people wishing to have thinner hips.

Yet much to say right now, there is no miracle solution to slim hips or a particular part of the body. There is, against few tips that will help you gradually reach your goal. Forget miracle creams, you’ll have to make some efforts.

The natural low calorie diet:


Lose weight in a precise area of ​​the body is a dream that is unfortunately impossible with a specific plan. Indeed, to lose weight hips, we have to lose weight at all. This means setting up a low-calorie diet. But do not start in a risky and temporary regime which will only lead you to a yo-yo effect. What you need is a progressive plan that will teach you to eat better.

Because if you want to lose weight permanently, we must rely on a balanced diet, without deficiency and with healthy foods. The first thing to do is to remove all processed foods, candy and prepared meals. You’ll have to eat simple things like vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish and whole grains.

Before starting, it is necessary to calculate the energy used by your body daily. The purpose of your diet will be eating slightly below this value. Ie if your body burns about 2200 calories a day you need to consume 2000 to start. Not less. This will be sufficient to trigger a loss of light and progressive weight that does not brusquera you too much and you will not starve.

Effective exercises :

Another way to narrow his hips is to work the muscles in that area. Not to reduce the fat specific to this part of the body but to strengthen these areas and tighten the skin. But do not look for exercises with heavy weights, it will be to work without taking volume. Here are two exercises to practice regularly :

Exercise 1

One of the best known exercises is the side cladding which, as the name suggests, gainer of the targeted area and therefore without the muscle volume. Moreover, it is quite simple to practice. Simply lie on your side, resting on one elbow, legs straight, one foot over the other. Your body should be straight and you should feel tension quickly. Try to maintain this position as long as possible then rest. Then change sides and repeat. Practice this exercise three times per side.

Exercise 2

You can also work the deep abdominal muscles, the so-called “cross” and that we often forget to ask. Still, they can help you strengthen your hips. For this, it is very simple, lie on your back, legs bent and slightly apart. Your feet should rest on the floor and your arms should be extended along the body.

It is here that the exercise really starts: inhale deeply expanding your ribcage and then exhale slowly, as slowly as you can, keeping your lower back glued to the ground. You have to pull your stomach when you breathe, your maximum, this is what will work the deep muscles. Your end is to last 30 seconds, at least it will be your goal. Then release your breath and go back to normal for a while before trying again. Repeat at least 6 times. You can practice this exercise daily.

The lifestyle:

regime-naturel-maigrir-hanches1Having thin hips, this also gets a healthy lifestyle. This requires, first of all by a healthy diet, as we have seen. Therefore, avoid junk food. Sodas, pastries, appetizers, this is not good for your health or for the beads.

But if you want to lose your excess fat, we must also think about having an active life. A sedentary lifestyle encourages the taking of bold and laziness will not help to boost your metabolism. Be active, walk instead of taking the bus or car, take the stairs, do not spare your efforts. All this will allow you to burn more calories.

Finally, the practice of sport is a plus. Regular physical activity, in addition to your specific exercises will help keep your metabolism high. Result: It will draw more easily into your fat stores. You choose, everything is possible as long as the chosen sport makes you move and you practice it regularly. 2 to 3 times a week is a good pace. You will reap that benefit.

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