How to weight loss?

comment-maigrir-regime-naturel-alimentaireFad diets do not exist, at least if you want to weight loss in the long term. Of course, we know that it works in the short term but that is not what interests us here.
plans miracles that are found everywhere in magazines or on the Internet, are weight loss quickly but once you stop it, you return the lost weight and even more. This is called the phenomenon of the yo-yo, a vicious circle that can transform over time a small overweight in a big worry for obesity.
Basically, the weight goes down and then up, then down and back again. This is at least what we see up close, but the overall trend over the years tends to increase the weight and body fat. In short, you lose weight in the short term but you magnify the long term.
One might think that the body is hurt, he works “evil” but that is not the case. The body is programmed to store and make reservations for when resources fail. By starting a diet miracle often very private and losing weight too quickly, you send a signal to the body very simple: it is the dearth, famine! And it has no choice but to adapt by slowing your metabolism in return ie your energy consumption of calories.
When the diet is over and you start looking back and eat some more, the body is already working in slow motion made reservations for the future and stores all it can in an ideal form of storage for him fat. And it is providing and stores a bit more fat in case you have the urge to start a new diet suite: a famine over for him.

Why not lose weight fast:

The pace for weight loss depends on the people and the starting level. Obviously, if you are obese and weigh 150 kilos, you will lose much more early that a person wishing to get rid of moderate overweight. To avoid putting your body in distress and wreck your metabolism, we recommend a moderate weight loss of about 1 kg per week, roughly 0.5 kilos, ie 1/2 kilo a week for a little overweight and 1.5 kilos per week for an obese person.

Of course, magazines or extreme diets promise a loss of 3 to 5 kilos in 1 week! But you need to know is that with this type of diet you lose mostly water and some fat. Additionally, you put a slap to your metabolism and muscle mass if the harsh regime. All this is harmful for the metabolism and leads to yo-yo. Include the Hollywood diet or a diet based on cabbage soup. We treated this kind of regime right here informative and adding our recommendations and criticisms. These are not diets that are recommended for the reasons cited above.

How to weight loss healthily?

And many already see how to lose weight? In fact, it is quite simple. We need energy coming in is less important than that fate, so to create a deficit. To compare, that’s in the bank. To lose weight, we must create an open but do not overdo it otherwise Agios! Here the premiums would be lower metabolism and Yo-Yo effect that results.

In nutrition, we talk calories for everything related calculations. You must create a calorie deficit between what comes in (what we eat) and what comes out (basal metabolism and physical activity). To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume.

We offer on the site of what vosbesoins calculate calories based on your physical activity. With this figure, which remains theoretical – so to adapt by doing – you have the amount of calories needed to stay the same weight. Do you doubt this, it will reduce the intake to lose weight, and lower the subtly.

To lose weight healthily, you must eat enough calories to provide for basic needs and have enough energy so as to maintain a life “active” during the regime. Basically, it is better to eat a little more and be more active, than eat almost anything being tired all the time and unable to do sports. Then when you have reached your goal, you can switch to a maintenance diet by eating balanced and maintaining regular physical activity to prevent or stamp any weight regain.

We saw in part 1 Therefore we must not lose weight fast and how to calculate their calorie needs. We will now see what you should eat and what you have to save up for your plan is going well.

The best key to weight loss well:

Knowing what to eat, when and how much is a good thing, but the psychological aspect is also important in a diet. We invite you to not neglect any of the points mentioned below.

Define the objective :

If you can achieve anything, you must know where you are going. You have decided to lose 10 kilos? So you need 2 to 5 months depending on the weight loss speed. Set a realistic goal, it is not to lose 30 kilos in 2 months or regain your weight it 20 years ago! Take your time and stay far miraculous methods that promise weight loss in record time.


Motivation is of course the key to success since embarking on a diet requires energy and changes in lifestyle. Attitudes to food are also strongly associated with emotional and on this point, it may be necessary to dig a specialist to overcome these bad habits. Above all, we must lose weight for yourself, not for the eyes of others, and act instead of guilty. So motivated ?

Follow your calorie intake:

You’ll have to calculate your calories and keep a food diary where you note everything you eat, your weight and your fitness. No, it’s not complicated especially in our time where there are websites or programs that handle this for us. Go here for the most complete web calorie calculators.

The journal allows you to see the evolution of your calorie intake, your weight and detect periods of stagnation or weight regain. For example, if you lose more weight or if you repeat, scan your paper and make corrective actions.

In practice, say you calculated or assessed by experience (better) than you need 2000 calories to stay the same weight. You will go down from 200 to 400 kcal your diet and increase your costs by doing more physical activity. If you do not lose or not enough, you can cut up to 400 kcal bar and increase your physical activity. If you lose too much weight or you’re too hungry, you can reduce the decrease calories by eating more. All this should be adjusted over the weeks but keep in mind that we should not continue to reduce the power under pain of reprisals from the body. It is better to eat enough and do more physical activity.

For your stabilization once achieved, if you take too much weight, it will reduce a little the calories and do more exercise.

What to eat :

Counting calories is one thing, but we must also learn to “eat.” You can imagine, for the same number of calories, a Big Mac will not have the same nutritional value and impact on the body that a balanced meal with healthy foods.

Already, one must know some nutrition basics without necessarily become an expert in the field. Among the food nutrients, found proteins useful for muscles but not limited to, carbohydrates for energy and fats. For the regime, rather it will increase the share of proteins and controlling the intake of carbohydrates and fats by favoring “good” sources.
At the distribution of calories, it is advisable to climb 25% from protein. For 1600 kcal per day, this is 400kcal of protein or 100g (1g protein = 4 kcal).
For your sources protein , about 20 to 25% of calories, choose lean meats such as chicken breast or turkey, beef meat% 5 mg, lodging, sirloin steak, with game, fish such as cod, bass, catfish, halibut, shrimp and cheese in terms of dairy products. Legumes and starches (carbohydrates) also contain so-called vegetable protein, less quantity. These complement the animal protein mentioned above and must be “counted” in your calculations. Ideally, half of the protein may come from plant sources.


For carbohydrates 40 to 55% of calories, preferably be selected vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains, not by reducing the share of processed products.

On the program: beans, lentils, brown rice, whole wheat bread, but, oatmeal, potatoes (little) and of course some fruits (apple, orange, melon, apricot, pear …) and not bad vegetables.

They are interesting because they are low in calories, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Include the broccoli, zucchini, tomato, cucumber, lettuce, mushroom, cabbage, asparagus, artichokes, turnips etc. Sweets should be avoided, except in four hours where we can afford dark chocolate for example.

For Fat 20 to 40% of calories, these are included in the oils (olive and rapeseed), oil seeds (walnuts, almonds, flax seeds), fatty fish (salmon) and dairy products. This percentage of lipid may seem high, but fat does not make you fat! What makes you fat is excess calories … In reality, it is the carbohydrates that are often consumed in excess, and not the best for online health and …

distribution on the day is also important. The plan, it is advisable to eat more frequently but in smaller quantities. For this, a snack is added: Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner afternoon. At the meal, it is advised to eat heartily at breakfast, but moderately consisting lunch, sweet to four hours and light at night. It sticks well to the physiological needs.

Last thing, drink enough water! We are of course necessary, but be aware that water deprivation promotes water retention. Remember that the body and ensures that it is providing. If you deliberately limit your water intake, believing do well, the body will constitute reserves between the muscles and the skin, giving this “inflated” appearance.

Practice a sport :

The sport is not for you! Do you go out this funny idea of the head, it’s not just running or the gym when talking to activate. Of course, the ideal is to find a real sport that pleases us, history not to give up and find some pleasure in the beginning, until it becomes a need. Because you are right that strength, you will feel a lack if you do not practice your sport and that’s good because it’s a good “drug” can be said.


Beyond the sport, it is best advised to change their lifestyle to burn calories at any time of the day. For example, avoid as much as possible to use your car to move and prefer walking to fast walking or cycling. You can climb the stairs instead of the elevator, doing housework or other vigorous activity energy. All these small changes will add up and weigh your caloric expenditure. In short, stop living like a sedentary our bodies are meant to move!

The practice of a sport increases caloric expenditure and maintain muscle mass which is related to the rate of basal metabolism. With a decent calorie intake, increasing the proportion of protein and sporting activity, you will put the maximum of luck on your side to protect your metabolism and avoid the dreaded yo-yo.

Ideally, you will do three sports sessions per week for at least an hour; it is not necessary to do hours and hours of sports! We recommend swimming, running, jumping rope, combat sports or group lessons for the most demanding activities in calories. Otherwise, walking or hiking will do the trick as long to spend more time …

Finding Support :

When you make a plan, it is important to be supported and feel encouraged by his entourage. If you do not have support at home, try to find a friend who does a diet at the same time as you. Otherwise, there is always the Internet forums where you can find support. No, you are not alone, and do not have to remain so.

It is not always easy family eating other differently, especially if the dishes that pass under the nose seem appetizing. If you can not force the family to eat like you, you may require at least they do not try you and respect your choice.

It will be harder to keep the plan in case of invitation from friends or imposed restaurant. You can still give you one joker meals a week without abusing … It is the repetition of these differences raises concerns.

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