How slim the hips and lose belly fat

Umfang messen nach einer DiätTo slim the hips and lose love handles must be a low calorie diet, muscles only the transverse abdominals and make a sport for burning calories. Narrow hips quickly is possible by avoiding exercises to tone the abdominal oblique with heavy loads and in concentric regime.

Make a low calorie diet to reduce the overall fat
Lose weight locally, for example only at the hips, to quickly lose love handles and fat beads is impossible. A muscular exercise does not lose weight the anatomical area of the solicited muscle, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs and abdomen; It makes you lose weight throughout the adipose tissue. By against the following links give you 5 essential tips to lose fat especially at the hips and stay healthy:
– To lose weight you must eat his fill
– Increase the number of meals
– Eating less fat
– Protein Diet to lose weight?
– Increase metabolism

Make a sport, increases basal metabolism to burn more calories at rest
The greater the muscle mass, the more our basal metabolism is high and it burns energy therefore calories at rest.
Regular practice of jumping rope, for example, in parallel with a power mastered, helps refine the silhouette, as it is a brûleuse activity calories per excellence. Jumping movement up and down moves created the tissues, cellulite removal is facilitated. Clarifications to see other sports and exercises burners calories for men or women can be found on the page Sports for burning calories

Build muscle without gaining volume

Strengthen his abs is relevant if you want a flat, firm stomach but if the method is concentric and that therefore the muscles contract during the exercise by bringing the insertion points, then there is an increase of connective tissue and muscle fiber size (volume), especially if more heavy loads are used to perform the repetitions.

But to bulk is not the goal! Cladding or building muscle with balloon to tone hips

For plyometric work against, ie for the abdominal muscles with times of springs and short, quick movements, or isometric (side cladding in the photo) has little influence on muscle size and allows the achievement of the aim, get a firm and effective abdominal belt without volume gain.

Slim hips and belly lasting 3 photos and 3 actions
Love handles are localized fat on the hips creating an unsightly bulge that can be treated by medical techniques (lipoadipectomie, mesotherapy …) or surgery (liposuction), but it is better to make them disappear by more natural ways, less aggressive and especially thanks to the guaranteeing shares of a good overall fitness over the long term.

Ripped Abs only transverse to refine and tone the waist and hips

the transverse muscle of the flat stomach and thin waist
In the deep abdominal strength, transverse, are often overlooked in favor of the oblique and rectus. Yet they are essential to retrieve more proportionate hips. By muscle against the big rights or oblique will only add volume, but certainly muscle volume still where you want to lose. The exercise presented below is simple to perform, it can be done every day if necessary. It refines the size, so to erase the love handles, and it is also particularly effective against back pain. Biasing the main muscle of the cladding of the abdominal belt, it is the 1st exercise to do if you want to lose belly fat. Since it must be done in a calm and relaxing atmosphere, it also offers the opportunity to relax and eliminate stress before or after the work day.
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Starting position

exercise to tone the transverse and narrow hips for men and women
The starting position is the following: Lying on your back on a thin mat, knees bent, soles of the feet in contact with the ground, arms extended and relaxed, palms up, shoulders relaxed. chin to the chest it also be compared without taking off the ground head to stretch the neck.


1. Inspire by inflating the chest
2. Breathe out as slowly as possible by plating intensely back and lower back to the floor to remove the small of the back. Maximum return belly for 30 seconds. You can help by putting a hand on her stomach in order to feel the contraction.
3. Collect a few breaths of normal amplitude, and repeat 6 times.

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