Fat burners to lose weight fast

meilleur-regime-pour-maigrir-naturellement3Among the many supplements found on the market include the fat-burning. Supposed to rid the body of stored fat, these products delicious name multiply, especially before the summer period flagship schemes. How do they work? Are they really effective? Safe ? Dive into the world of fat burning.

The various compositions, these supplements are designed to burn fat. While their effectiveness remains controversial, they can be a little more in a real system.

rinciple and composition of the fat-burning:
Fat burners are dietary supplements which aims to accelerate the BMR. They thereby promote calorie destocking and / or activation of lipolysis in adipocytes (fat melting stored). If one increases the basal metabolism, the body consumes more energy. The lipolysis phenomenon transforms large molecules of fatty acid reserves nested in adipocytes in small molecules Free Fatty Acids easily mobilized by the body and whose removal is possible.

Caffeine, green tea, guarana, spirulina chitosan, nopal, chromium, CLA, L-carnitine, citrus aurantium … here are some examples of the impressive list of ingredients may be present in such products. Most are plant extracts, vitamins or amino acids, which have properties like increased consumption of calories by the body, or even to capture fat even before they do enter the bloodstream. More original, chitosan is a fiber extracted from the shells of crustaceans. It would promote the elimination of fat.

Fat-burning: how effective?
Say it right now, none of these products has been scientifically proven and undeniably effective. Most of these components have a role in the metabolism but at very high doses which also lead to health problems. For example, caffeine is effective but at 500 mg per day … dangerous massive dose to the body.
For the dietician Claire Marino, “If they have a small effect, it is because women who take them are watching their diet and are physically active.” Moreover, these conditions are specified on each product fat burning (“This practical and effective supplement allows you to optimize weight loss through a diet slimming”, “for optimum efficiency, use during a diet “…).

Diet Help:
However, these products can be a little more for those who start a diet: “Use a fat burning earlier scheme, it motivates” says Claire Marino. “After, you have nothing lose weight and learn to keep the line in the same way,” she adds. If you want to try, inquire well about the composition and know that the active ingredients of these supplements may cause drug interactions. We must note all molecules and preventing her doctor that you take this or that product with such a component. Of produce containing some algae can interfere with the treatment of thyroid diseases, for example.

And if you do not want to invest in these supplements, be aware that “finds most of these components in foods” says Claire Marino. Chromium, for example, participating in carbohydrate metabolism during processing of proteins and fats, is present in the seeds of cereals, plums, broccoli, nuts, liver and cheeses. In addition, some foods are effective fat burners, such as cabbage, celery, pepper, parsley and fruit: lemons, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges …

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