9 tips for not grow

regime-naturel-astuces-pour-ne-pas-grossir-du-ventre1) I give myself a real little pleasure. No banned, it depresses! Cheese, chocolate, or you miss the sausage? Rather than letting up frustration. give yourself a moment of pure tasting: buy top quality, set the scene and enhance your enjoyment food, breathe and eat 3 times. Close your eyes, concentrate 100% on the sensations. Let your taste buds absorb flavors, texture and wait one minute before swallowing. Let the pleasure invade you, to the brain, but do not you resservez.

2) I rehabilitates my brain frustrations. For banana before his braised endive and steam fish, do you make a film, so TV spot: choose a good mood music (always the same for the brain prints), choose a beautiful iconic object (pretty plate carafe …) of your new way of eating. Hum, smile … Repeat and repeat … Be confident in the long term, it is you who will win! By dint of repeating the staging, once the endive arrive, your body will start to secrete endorphins, hormones of pleasure. Easy either.

3) I relax before meals. To avoid eating under the influence of disturbing emotions, make it a habit to perform a little ritual “cleansing” before the meal. Start by release tension: standing feet apart the width of the pelvis, inhale and stretch your arms in front of you the thumbs upright (like hitchhiking). Lungs full, hold the breath imagining that all tensions are concentrated in your thumbs. Exhale slowly down her arms and then reassemble each side of the body, while opening and turning the palms towards the sky. Spread out the fingers and visualize the tension go. Finish with a 5 minute walk: 3 not inhale, then exhale on 3 others.

4) I deprogrammed snacking. You ate nothing better to do, to calm your nerves after a meeting or an argument? Keep a diary of your circumstances snacking, the emotions associated with the event, and register 3 things you could have done instead. For example listen to a song you like, call your best friend, wash your hands. What matters is to live emotions (not to swallow them!) Without using food.

5) I oxygen cells. Oxygen is the “number one” of dietary supplements for weight loss; it is the red blood cells which transport. No tissue oxygenation, not burning calories, no energy transformation, and therefore no ability to burn fat. To fill oxygen, ventilate the room every day, stroll in the forest, in green spaces, practice abdominal breathing to increase the volume of air inspired and test the Bol d’Air Jacquier: it is an accelerator of the binding and transport of oxygen. In losing weight, it boosts the melting of the fat.


6) I apply the rule 100 chews. Do as Horace Fletcher, made history with its plans revolutionary method: chew each mouthful 100 times before swallowing. Far from being wacky, this “trick” increases the secretion of salivary enzymes, which ensures better digestion, maintains intestinal flora, and allows time for the satiety signal (20 minutes) to be registered by the hypothalamus. Overall, you consume 20% less food at every meal! Horace lost 30 kg in this manner.

7) I take a digestive walk. This is a health precept of traditional Chinese medicine. Walking after meals prevents food stagnation, avoids drag on the table (and be tempted by a second dessert) and stimulates the digestive Qi! Attention, it’s not knitting the fast and hard Redshank, (this would be against productive), but instead of walking slowly. 100 steps on a one stride of 50-60 cm, it makes 500-600 m, to go without haste, in 10-15 minutes.

8) I leave two hours between dinner and bedtime. To bed soon swallowed the last bite interferes with digestion and sleep. And it promotes the storage because the rate of sugar in the blood remains High overnight. So if you have finished digesting at least two hours before going to bed, your body will burn its reserves during the night mini-fast. And for even more damage control, dine lightweight.regime-naturel-boulimie-de-jogging3

9) I stay on my hunger. In Asia, particularly in Okinawa, a dietary model, table fate before full belly and feel the full satiety. This is called making “hara hachi bu”. This is a good exercise to become aware of his body, ease digestion and reduce caloric intake. To achieve this, simply locate the moment the pleasure of eating becomes less intense, although a small residual hunger is felt. The feeling is fine, we must be attentive to his feelings. Adopt break time to evaluate the sensations of pleasure and satiation.

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