25 Tips and gestures for Weight Loss

regime-naturel-respecte-heure-repas-perdre-du-poidsTake meals on a fixed term:

Set a timer for 20 minutes and put yourself in the shoes of a person who eats slowly. This is one of the best principles to lose weight without dieting. Savor every bite and it lasts until the bell sounds.

Rhythmic meals allow better enjoy smaller rations and it promotes satiety hormones. Swallow your food at high speed prevents these signals occur and leads to overeating.

Sleep more to weigh less:

Sleep one hour more per night could afford to lose 6 kg each year, according to an expert from the University of Michigan, which is based on daily intake of 2,500 calories.

According to the scenario, when sleep replaces idle activities “and the usual snacking is done unconsciously” you can effortlessly bring down 6% the calories.

The results vary among individuals but sleep can also help in another way. It is clear that when we do not sleep enough, it awakens the appetite and causes a considerable hunger.

Eat more vegetables:

Prefer vegetables for the evening meal. Vary the vegetables as eating more fruits and vegetables is a great way to lose weight.

Their high fiber and water fills you up with fewer calories. Cook them without adding fat and season with lemon juice and herbs instead of soak in oily sauces or dressings.


The weight flew with soup:

Take a broth-based soup each day and you will not have hunger by consuming fewer calories. Think minestrone, soups pasta or Chinese soups like wonton. The soup is particularly useful when starting a meal because it slows you down by decreasing your appetite.

Start with a little salty broth or canned soup and add fresh or frozen vegetables and simmer. Beware of creamy soups that can be high in fat and calories.


Opt for whole foods:

Whole foods such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat and whole wheat are also part of your natural strategy to lose weight. They allow you to feel satisfied with fewer calories and may improve your cholesterol.

Whole grains are now found in numerous products.

Prominently your smaller clothes:

Hang one of your old favorite dresses, a skirt or a pair of jeans to get them under the eyes every day: you do not lose sight of your reward.

Choose a room just too tight to get the reward in a relatively short time. Then get out your party dress last year for a small next realistic goal.

Forget cooking butter:

Do not cook with butter because it can make you absorb many additional calories and harm your health. Other ingredients can enhance your kitchen such as white wine, herbs, mustard, tomatoes, roasted peppers …

Book butter for consumption exclusively as raw on toast for breakfast. Butter is an excellent source of vitamin A and D when consumed raw and in moderation.


Improve your pizza slices:

For your pizza, choose a garnish with vegetables or ham instead of sausage or other fatty meats: you can win 100 calories to your meal.

Other tips for a diet pizza: Have a light hand with the cheese and choose a thin and crispy with just a tip of olive oil.

Reduce the sugar:

Replace sugary drinks with water or soft drink without calories and you will avoid about 10 teaspoons of sugar. Add lemon, mint or chopped fruit for flavor and fantasy. The sugar in beverages does not seem to listen to the usual satiety signals the body.

One study compared 450 extra calories a day from candy and sugary drinks. Those who ate the sweets consumed globally, unknowingly fewer calories but not sugary drinks drinkers who won over a kilo in four weeks.


Sip smart in a tall glass and end:

Use a glass top and end instead of a short wide glass to decrease calories liquid -and your weight- without dieting. You drink 25 to 30% fruit juice and less, sugary drinks or wine or any other beverage.

Professor Brian Wansink argues that visual signs invite us to consume more or less. His experiences at Cornell University showed that all kinds of people were using more generously large in small glasses and even experienced bartenders.

Reduce alcohol:

When an event puts you face to alcohol after the first glass follow up with a soft drink, low calorie drink such as soda water instead of directly taking another cocktail, beer or glass of wine.

Alcohol contains more calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein. Because of him, you release your attention result, you eat without thinking, biscuits, peanuts and other foods that you limit in normal times.


Sip smart with green tea:

Drinking green tea can also be a good strategy to lose weight. Studies suggest that it may temporarily boost the natural mechanism that burns calories, probably through the action of phytochemicals called “catechins”.

At least you have a refreshing drink without taking a ton of calories.


Yoga think:

Women who do yoga tend to have a lower weight than others, a study by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. What is the connection ? The accustomed yoga have found a more “thoughtful” approach to food.

For example, they do not ignore the substantial dishes of restaurants but stop once satiated. Researchers think the serene self-awareness developed through yoga may help people fight against overeating.

Eat at you:

Eat home-cooked food at least five days a week to live like a thin person. A survey of consumers revealed that it is one of the best habits in those who lose the most weight.

It seems difficult? Cook might be simpler than you think. Take shortcuts for quick meals: meat precut, bagged salad, mixed vegetables, canned vegetables, meats and frozen fish fillets.

Take breaks during meals:

Most people naturally experience a moment of pause during meals, they will ask their fork for a few minutes. Locate the moment and do not take other bites.

Clean your plate and enjoy the conversation. It is a signal that tells you in silence as you reach satiety without being “full”. Most people miss.

To chew gum:

Prepare dinner after work, a tough day, an evening or when you have a little hungry: They are risk situations for nibbling.

If you feel the urge to snack, you can take a chewing – gum, you will prepare your meals and with more serenity.


Use smaller plates:

Choose smaller plates and you eat less systematically. Professor Brian Wansink at Cornell showed after test test, as people use more and eat in larger plates.

Reduce your plate or bowl to make the economy from 100 to 200 calories per day and 4.5 to 9 kg per year. In tests of Wansink, nobody was hungry and no one even noticed that the optical effect withdrew 200 calories daily intake.

Use appropriate units:

Habit 1 in thin people, is to be content with moderate rations for each meal, five days a week or more. So always carry the thin people and also people who manage to lose weight, according to a survey cons.

After controlling the portions several times, it can become automatic. To make things easier, buy pre-cut and do not serve the dishes directly to the table.

Test the 80/20 rule:

Westerners usually eat until you have a full stomach but the Okinawans eat to feel full 80%. There’s even a name for this naturally slimming habit: hara hachi bu.

We can adopt this healthy habit by using 20% less food, according to researcher Brian Wansink. This research shows that most people do not experience lack.

Beware of eating out:

The restaurant’s dishes can be too heavy then, consider these “orders” special that control the quantities:

• share a flat with a friend

• order a starter as a main course

• choose the vegetarian dish

• never clean their plate

Fill a small entrance with a large salad for a balance, with a half plate full of green.

Choose red sauces:

Pasta, choose tomato sauce instead of cream sauce. tomato-based sauces usually contain fewer calories and less fat than cream-based sauces.

But remember, the amount is always important. A plate of pasta, it’s the equivalent of a cup or roughly a tennis ball.

Do more often overlook meat:

Eating vegetarian is often a way to lose weight. Vegetarians generally weigh less than meat eaters. If there are several reasons for this, legumes play an important role.

Soy steaks, lentil soups and other tasty dishes based on legumes are high in fiber. Many people do not reach half of this important nutritional contribution that fills your stomach with fewer calories.

Burn 100 extra calories:

Lose 5 kg per year without dieting by burning 100 extra calories every day. Calories burned with activity vary according to the weight of people. Try one of these activities:

• 1.5 km walk for 20 minutes

• pull weeds and plant flowers for 20 minutes

• mow the lawn for 20 minutes

• Clean the house for 30 minutes

• run for 10 minutes


Learn to congratulate you:
When you get rid of a bad habit, or you just finished the day without overeating, you applaud. You are close to you a “slimming” lifestyle that helps people lose weight without making extravagant or complicated arrangements.

Call a friend, give yourself a pedicure, buy new clothes or, occasionally, enjoy a small slice of cake.

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