Our immune system protects us every second against armies of viruses, bacteria, fungi and other parasites. A weakness, and it’s the disease that sets in. So how do you strengthen your immune system?
In biology, immunity refers to the body’s ability to defend itself against substances that threaten its proper functioning or survival. These “threats” can be of 3 types: microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites), cells that have become cancerous or a foreign body (a splinter, as well as a transplanted organ).
Fall and winter are seasons when virus circulation is high. To strengthen your immune system and avoid getting sick, follow the advice of our experts.
Colds, coughs, flu … To get through fall or winter illnesses and avoid a red nose, watery eyes or sore throat, you need to know how to protect yourself and take care of yourself. Natural remedies help you stay in shape and relieve symptoms.
The fat that gradually accumulates is a major problem that affects 70% of women.
Some believe that only a draconian diet could eliminate it, but in reality, there are several natural components to which one does not pay attention, and whose slimming virtues are scientifically effectively proven: it is ginger, cinnamon, lemon and cumin.
Here’s what happens to your body when you drink warm lemon water in the morning …
Start your day with a glass of water and add the squeezed juice of an organic lemon. By doing this you will do something good for your body. There are many benefits to starting the day with lukewarm lemon water.
This drink speeds up the metabolism and removes excess fat from the body. In addition, it removes excess salt and positively affects the overall health of the body.
For this healthy drink, you only need two ingredients: garlic and red wine.
Almonds are not only good for the heart. Study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association indicates that a daily serving of 42g instead of a carbohydrate-rich food with the same calorie content helps lose abdominal fat and waist circumference .
In 2001, I weighed more than 180 kilos. I have tried every diet possible to lose weight. I even worked with Dr. Atkins himself for two months, and after shedding a few thousand dollars, the best thing he did was yell at me for being so fat.
All the regimes undertaken ended in the same way. There was a full list of foods that I was not allowed to eat. I followed the diet to the letter. I lost a little weight by doing violence and thanks to my will. Then came the inevitable moment when I couldn’t take it anymore and I was going to eat myself up. No matter how much weight you lost on the diet, it came back a few days later and a week later, I weighed 2 pounds heavier than before my diet. This rhythm of a loss of 5 kilos followed by a gain of 7 kilos started in 1990, until reaching in September 2001 my maximum weight of 185 kilos.
The popular and trustworthy American doctor, Doctor Oz has proven on several occasions the detoxification benefits of green tea, so it is not a big surprise that he chose green tea as his main ingredient when he created this weight loss drink.