There is nothing appealing about an inflated belly that looks like a huge balloon that is about to explode, not to mention all the gas and discomfort. Bloating is common after heavy meals, but for some people, they are an integral part of their daily lives.
After being overweight, diabetes, stroke, refined carbohydrates are now suspected to favor certain cancers.
The modern Western diet is rich in refined carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index and load, low fiber, but many calories. Such foods are quickly digested and absorbed, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, followed by a surge in insulin. They would promote different diseases of civilization such as diabetes.
According to a recent study, a diet with high glycemic index (GI) or glycemic load would also increase the risk of cancer. Researchers at New York University have studied data collected since the 1990s from 3100 volunteers. They looked for correlations between carbohydrate intakes and cancer rates, adjusting the results for age and other risk factors.
Water is an important element for many different reasons. Let’s start with ourselves: we consist of approximately 50 – 75% water depending on our body composition. Water is responsible for a multitude of body functions: regulating body temperature, transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells, dissolving minerals and nutrients, helping with digestion, protecting organs and tissues , lubrication of the joints, among others.
Oh, and it increases the metabolism. Just in case you want to know if the water can help you lose a few stubborn pounds – the answer is a resounding “YES! “.
If you’re looking for an effective way to boost your overall fitness and want to get – quickly – real results from your workout program, look no further than doing squat exercises.
This exercise should be part of any training program because it is relatively simple to perform, requires no equipment, and can be practiced almost anywhere.
What’s more, although squats are often referred to as “leg” exercises, they are actually beneficial for the whole body, including the deep muscles of the trunk …
Some unpretentious spices can be incredible sources of health. Few people imagine that this little ordinary seed can become your faithful aid to weight loss.
A study published in the journal Complimentary Therapies in Clinical Practice was the first to reveal the potential of cumin seeds to lose weight. The use of this spice can help you lose weight faster and has a positive effect on fat by reducing the levels of harmful lipids in the blood.
Research on caraway and body fat Iranian scientists at the Shadid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences included 88 women considered overweight or obese in their study. They divided them randomly into two groups:
Love handles, like most types of abdominal fat, can be quite difficult to eliminate, and for many people, they can persist even if they have lost weight on other parts of the body. But, contrary to popular belief, working your abs with crunches or targeted exercises, even for your obliques (the muscles under your love handles), will not reduce the specific fat in your problem areas.
The key is a more holistic approach that involves both dietary changes and high intensity interval training (HIIT), which I will briefly describe.
However, once you have burned off excess fat, you can gain some significant benefits by performing more focused exercises, such as this 10 minute workout against love handles.
Generally sugar, mixed with carbohydrates and fats, is the main ingredient responsible for overweight and obesity. But we do not think to consume a reasonable amount of sugar, because we think that it is not dangerous for our health. Many people do not know that they take large amounts of sugar by consuming products that can be found in stores such as cereals, sodas, salad dressings, drinks, sweets, etc.
Usually, these products store large amounts of sugar in our body. Simple carbohydrates are found in: raisins, honey, natural fruit juices, bananas and mangos.
Our body uses sugar quickly as a source of energy. This process increases blood sugar levels, and we know that this has adverse effects on our overall health. What is most dangerous is that the amounts of excess sugar create problems of nutrient assimilation.
Excess sugar has many negative side effects such as: hyperactivity and fatigue, depressed mood, yeast infections, colds, headaches, sinus problems, disorientation and confusion. ‘insomnia. In addition, chronic overuse of sugar can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and even breast cancer.
Nobody wants this stubborn fat around the belly area. We all want to get rid of her and have a muscular and lean belly. But, we all know that burning fat around your belly is an extremely hard and difficult process and you have to spend long hours at the gym. And the most important thing is: what you eat.
Experts say that your diet is 90% of what your abdominals look like. Well, that means you have to pay attention to the food you eat if you want to lose that abdominal fat and have a flat, lean stomach.
Fresh fruit juices are an ideal way to provide many of the nutrients needed by the body and satisfy your sweet tooth. Still, you must make sure you do not consume too much fresh juice because they contain sugar.
In order to lose weight, you should consume 500 fewer calories during the day. The following fresh juices will be a perfect alternative for a meal during the day.
You can add water to the fruit juice to reduce the glycemic index and try to drink it slowly.
This natural diet is the best choice for people who do not want to pay too much attention to what they eat. To get the maximum results with this cucumber diet, you have to follow it for 10 days and there are only specific products that you must eat during this period.
If you want to lose 7 kg, you have to follow this diet for 14 days, and you should be physically active too. The main ingredient of this natural diet is cucumber. You can consume cucumber in unlimited amounts all the time, during this diet, especially when you are really hungry.