Tips to improve your silhouette

Woman Holding an Orange Against Her ThighsProvided that lasts at least three months, breastfeeding is the only period of life during which the body burns fat thighs entrenched.

Studies show that breastfeeding women up to 10 weeks after delivery on average lose 1 kilogram more than those who stopped breastfeeding after 10 days! What debunk the misconceptions …

Some tips for improving your figure:

* Eat a varied and balanced diet avoiding excess.

* Know your body and treat you finding a rhythm: sleep and try to recover the lost hours of sleep during pregnancy or baby’s arrival.

* Continue to take supplements of vitamins and minerals prescribed during pregnancy for at least 3 months or more if you are breastfeeding. They are essential to get your body in shape. Continue reading “Tips to improve your silhouette”

The best diet to lose weight naturally

meilleur-regime-pour-maigrir-naturellement1Everyone dreams of having a perfect body, firm buttocks, slim waist, flat stomach and chest high. But to achieve this it must pass the ordeal of the regime (and sport). Among the citizens of the world more obsessed with their weight, the French are in the top ranks. And not for nothing, now 30% of the major are overweight and 18% are victims of obesity. To achieve your goal weight several means are available you will find in these articles are the most common schemes.

Different type of Dieting:

To lose weight there are several methods such as which is to expel sugars

other fat which allows you to not swallow the liquid, or another n ‘allowing only green foods or the use of only one covered … Before starting any of these methods, it is more natural to know the disadvantages and risks that they can cause even before their benefits. By analyzing these data that we can choose the solution. The most suitable and get a positive result. Continue reading “The best diet to lose weight naturally”

Paleo diet, diet 100% natural and healthy

regime-paleo-naturel The Paleolithic diet is that early humans ate spontaneously, naturally. You hear about that from Dr. S. Boyd Eaton published in 1985 an article entitled Paleolithic Nutrition in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. Radiologist and medical anthropologist, Dr Eaton then issued the opinion that the ideal diet would correspond to that of our ancestors of the Stone Age. As far as one can judge from current populations even as then, it seems that our ancestors did not know the degenerative diseases. We even believe that their excellent physical condition would allow them to easily compete with modern athletes. Continue reading “Paleo diet, diet 100% natural and healthy”

3 Natural plants to lose weight and lose weight

plantes-naturel-perdre-du-poids-maigrirIndustrial never lack imagination when it comes to designing new plants that make miracles lose weight. Yet it turns out that all the benefits provided by these plants can be found in natural plants. Whether through financial or ideological choice, so you can choose to use only natural herbs for weight loss. Continue reading “3 Natural plants to lose weight and lose weight”

Natural diuretics and laxatives to an effective Diet

Remplir-son-frigo_exact556x377Combat water retention and constipation Fluid retention and constipation are very common conditions that can accompany being overweight. Natural laxatives and diuretics are an effective alternative.

The retention, also known as edema name, is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the body.

There are several causes: pregnancy, menopause, obesity, kidney disease, liver problems, heart problems, among others. In addition, constipation is a condition that causes swelling, abdominal pain, pain (sometimes), sensations of heaviness.

Both these conditions can be causes or consequences of overweight, so if you want to fight them using laxatives and / or natural diuretics to your diet, you need to know which to choose.

These natural diuretics and laxatives help to lose weight and liquid used to flatten the stomach, but not losing fat. These natural products will help cleanse the body and prepare a plan. Continue reading “Natural diuretics and laxatives to an effective Diet”

Recipe for losing weight faster: green tea ginger lemon detox infusion

je-veux-maigrir-vite-comment-faireMany of you think that only a strict diet could make them lose weight. False, a restrictive diet can make you lose weight but it is assured yoyo effect.

In fact, a balanced diet helps lose weight permanently. To expedite weight loss, there are several natural ingredients that increase the basal metabolism and whose slimming properties are scientifically proven as green tea, ginger, cinnamon, lemon, cumin, artichoke and the list long.

Today I decided to tell you about a magic potion I tested over a month, a sort of natural detox infusion. Continue reading “Recipe for losing weight faster: green tea ginger lemon detox infusion”

The balanced dietary fiber

regime-naturel-fibres-alimentairesDietary fiber, or fiber for simplicity are key components to a healthy balanced diet, they are always of plant origin. In other words we can not find dietary fiber in meat, fish or dairy products. We talk about dietary fiber, to those found in food.

One can find fiber in more or less all plant foods, however, there are big differences between amount of each vegetable. You will find below the high fiber foods.

Dietary fibers are not assimilated by the human body, because they are not digested by digestive enzymes. Dietary fiber contains no calories because it is not metabolized.

At the chemical level, dietary fibers are polysaccharides, this is called complex carbohydrates or sugars.

Lignin (soluble fiber), however, has a different structure. Continue reading “The balanced dietary fiber”

Losing weight based on food

regime-vegetarien-4697There are many ways to lose weight without drastically reduce their food. Many overweight people are quickly discouraged when they hear that they have to reduce their food intake, but this is not necessarily true. You can lose a significant amount of weight while eating some of our favorite foods. Especially at present many people carry as well. Let’s examine how you can lose weight without depriving themselves.

How to lose weight without starving is to get as much information as possible. This means going on the internet and read all the available information on the different ways to lose weight while maintaining many of our habits. There are dedicated forums that provide a wealth of information to someone looking for a way to implement a sensible diet. These forums are full of advice and practical ideas from people who have triumphed in their battle against surplus kilos and this information is invaluable. What makes forums so effective is that they are interactive. Once you register, you can easily begin to post opinions and ask questions. Continue reading “Losing weight based on food”

Natural diet to soup to lose weight and lose weight

habitudes-alimentaires-pour-perdre-du-poids3Looking for a regime effective soup to lose weight fast? The soup diet is probably for you. This express regime is effective and quick recipe for all those who want to slim down before summer. Discover now all you need to know about this soup slimming.

There are many slimming soups that give the fastest results, onion, leek … but the soup diet best known is undoubtedly the cabbage soup. In the 80s, they gave this soup for medical reasons to obese patients who were losing weight quickly before undergoing surgery. Thus was born the cabbage soup diet. This is a very effective quick scheme but it is also a draconian and restrictive regime thus has certain precautions. The recipe for the cabbage soup diet allows for a few days and provides almost immediate results. Continue reading “Natural diet to soup to lose weight and lose weight”

Methods and tips to lose weight fast

des-soins-pour-perdre-son-ventre7In this section we will see various methods and tips to lose weight quickly and naturally.

1. Cabbage soup diet:

The principle of this diet?

You prepare throughout the day cabbage soup or just rather soups made from vegetables to eat at will. The regime admits fruit and an opportunity to eat meat, but at times.

You can drink tea without sugar and coffee.

–> Expected results :

Indeed with such a regime, it is certain that you will lose weight quickly or even starving yourself … It is estimated a loss of roughly 5kg in 1 week. You can even lose 10 kilos if this type of plan is extended a little longer.

–> My opinion :

Vegetables are always good, it’s better than eating fast food.
However, this type of diet is not sustainable over time and perhaps even disturbing if prolonged. Make sure you stabilize your diet once arrested for not regain your weight (yo-yo effect).
-> My rating: 4.5 / 5 in the short term, 1/5 in the medium term. Continue reading “Methods and tips to lose weight fast”