Lose weight with a food natural diet

regime-naturel-conseils-minceur-tout-savoir-sur-le-regime-dukanIf we want to lose weight, it is often for one reason: our reflection in the mirror, and yet, the primary interest is our health.
Being overweight increases the risk of developing many diseases: coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes

Calories and weight loss:

The famous “calories” are the fuel of our body. This one in “burns” to work constantly, even when we sleep.

The number that appears on your balance really boils down to a simple equation:

• If you consume more calories than your body needs to function, you gain weight. These calories are then stored as fat as a reserve.

• If you consume fewer calories than your body needs to function, you lose weight. Your body must draw on its reserves, that is to say fat.

A sedentary woman needs about 2000 kcal per day and men 2,500 kcal. To lose weight, so they must eat less …

For example: by reducing your daily intake of 500 kcal per day, you can lose 500 g to 1 kg per week. But careful not to drop below 1,500 kcal per day. Continue reading “Lose weight with a food natural diet”

Tips for Losing Weight Naturally

habitudes-alimentaires-pour-perdre-du-poids2You will discover in this article are 5 tips to lose weight naturally and return to a healthy weight, gain energy, like you, to you and to others, let’s get serious …

1. It is recommended that you do not follow private diet to lose weight:

Although many of these plans do not make you take chemicals There is nevertheless having arrived a moment, it is not the only solution to keep you alive!

You deprive is not the solution to lose weight. Go below your basal metabolic requirement (the minimum number of calories you need to operate your organs) is taking big risks, in addition to that it’s not as if you could buy in the supermarket the body might have lost to be replaced, it is much more complicated than that.

If you do not deprive yourself, what can you do? Simply select your food according to certain criteria. Continue reading “Tips for Losing Weight Naturally”

Eating habits to lose weight: choose low GI foods

habitudes-alimentaires-pour-perdre-du-poidsTo keep your weight on the scale, it is necessary to control the quality of carbohydrates that you consume, and choose according to their glycemic index.

The fast carbohydrates that are quickly and strongly climb blood sugar have a high GI, those so-called slow have little influence on blood sugar and have a low GI. In between are moderate GI carbohydrates.

The accumulation of stomach fat level is often associated with a cell resistance to insulin action , then it remains in the blood. This accumulation causes excess fat under the skin and around the abdominal organs.

By choosing foods that have little influence on insulin, we can hope to lose belly fat, and most importantly, prevent serious health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Continue reading “Eating habits to lose weight: choose low GI foods”

How to lose weight belly: Care to lose belly

des-soins-pour-perdre-son-ventreIl existe aujourd’hui de nombreux soins qui peuvent vous aider à maigrir du ventre alors autant en profiter en complément d’une alimentation équilibrée et d’une activité sportive.

The slimming creams are rich in assets and destocking draining and can be effective. once or twice a day, however, must apply for the hope to have results.

You’ll find green tea beverages, fennel to boost your transit and charcoal to relieve bloating.

Massages are also important. Whether with creams or essential oils, it is essential to regularly massage your belly in the direction of clockwise to slim belly.

You are now armed to slim belly and to feel good in your body. Say goodbye to small beads and find a flat, firm stomach. Continue reading “How to lose weight belly: Care to lose belly”

How to lose weight belly: What foods that are slim belly?

quels-sont-les-aliments-qui-font-maigrir-du-ventreHe has no secrets. To lose belly fat, you must go through good eating habits box. If you’re tired of the strict diets, where you have to weigh everything and calculate opt for new eating habits and especially a variety of healthy foods.

You can choose a method such as the GI diet where you only need to know the glycemic value of each food rather than spend your time weighing food or counting calories.

You will lose belly gradually but mostly you do not resume the lost weight.

You can also emphasize certain foods and banish others. The first thing to do is to banned from your diet cakes, pastries, soft drinks, white bread and fried foods.

Eat more animal protein such as lean meat, poultry and fish but also cereals, green vegetables, fresh and dried fruits. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day.

Eat taking your time and chew thoroughly to prepare the responsible digestion many bloating and swollen belly.

Playing a sport if you continue to eat poorly will not be used for anything. To lose weight belly having a sport, we also lose the fat from his waist belt. Continue reading “How to lose weight belly: What foods that are slim belly?”

How to lose weight belly: Sports slimming belly

regime-naturel-sports-pour-maigrir-du-ventre1Have a physical activity is to put all chances on his side to slim the tummy. Sport will allow you to burn calories, your gainer abdominaleet belt regain a flat stomach.

Several sports are effective. You can for example choose an endurance sport such as walking, swimming, cycling or jogging. If you do it regularly, 2-3 times a week, your body will draw its energy from your body’s fat reserves.

To have a flat stomach, nothing like the abs . In gym, at home or with targeted exercises your abdominal muscles should be asked to lose weight belly.

Learn how to work your posture. If you are used to hold you wrong, you cause without knowing abdominal relaxation. Practice why water aerobics, dance, yoga or Pilates. Continue reading “How to lose weight belly: Sports slimming belly”

How to lose weight belly: A diet change and tips to lose belly

Une-alimentation-a-changer-et-conseils-pour-perdre-du-ventreYour kilos have not installed on the belly without reason. Most often it is that you just let go at the food level and you took bad habits. Therefore, begin by then when we want to lose belly fat.

Men have more difficulty keeping a diet. must therefore outlaw draconian methods and too private otherwise you will not hold your diet long time and this is normal. It is therefore better to opt for a healthy and varied diet.

First remove:

  • Alcohol, fruit juices and sodas
  • The appetizer biscuits
  • The mayonnaise and sauces
  • pastries and cakes
  • the charcuterie and industrial flat

Eat preferably:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • lean proteins (fish, white meat or egg)
  • Whole grains (wheat, rice, pasta)
  • Vegetables dry

Continue reading “How to lose weight belly: A diet change and tips to lose belly”

How to lose weight belly: Get active for a flat stomach

regime-naturel-faites-du-sport-pour-une-ventre-platTo lose belly fat, the bad news is that diet alone is not enough and it will take up a sport. This must be adapted and targeted to lose a few centimeters at the waist belt:

  • Rower: is one of the most efficient appliances to lose belly fat
  • Jumping rope: it allows to work several muscles and to refine the stomach but not only.
  • Running is ideal for reducing the waistline
  • Crunches: is the exercise of choice when we want to lose belly fat. There are a multitude of different exercises for something different muscles and his abs.
  • The aqua : is the business trend of the moment and for good reason, Without effort and without realizing it, you will lose fat belly quickly. If you are not a big sports fan or gyms, you’ll love this activity.
  • The Pilates method: with the right exercises, you will lose belly gently!
  • The elliptical: is one of the most complete devices on the market. You will work your abs but also all the muscle groups of your body.

Having a healthy diet and perform the right exercises are key to finally get rid of that belly fat that leads you die hard. Continue reading “How to lose weight belly: Get active for a flat stomach”

How to lose weight belly: Change your eating habits

Choose Healthy FoodHaving a swollen belly and ribs is a nightmare for men and women. We are not comfortable in his body, it’s hard to dress and when one makes a hearty meal, you must unbutton his pants.

So what are the solutions to lose weight belly?
Only slim belly is complicated as all other body parts. We can not lose weight at the belly or at the level of thighs or buttocks elsewhere. If you think it’s enough to make hours of abs to regain a flat stomach, it is a mistake. Continue reading “How to lose weight belly: Change your eating habits”

List of herbs and spices help weight loss

liste-dix-herbes-et-epices-aident-la-perte-de-poidsDespite the prevalence of obesity and the suffering of some 1.6 billion adults (15 and older) are overweight, according to official estimates, there are simple ways that can help in weight reduction and exercise and a healthy diet commitment.

Our website « Naturel Diet» present to you ten herbs and spices together in daily use, the researchers say it can help reduce weight:

  • There are certain types of roots using «  shining » speed up your metabolism and boost energy, but the kind that is known as “Panax shinsing” its properties to help reduce weight, according to a study University “ Maryland ” of America.

Continue reading “List of herbs and spices help weight loss”