The easy way to eat healthy

repas-equilibre_regime_naturel4Nothing like a balanced diet and proportionate to its needs to avoid small curves. That will save you from dieting every other day.
Balanced diet: good daily rhythm
Do not skip meals … And especially not breakfast. It must be between 15% and 25% of your daily energy intake.
The good news: you can eat copiously because all these nutrients will be burned during the morning. In your plate: a hot drink, fresh fruit, 2 or 3 slices of lightly buttered wholemeal bread and a tablespoon of honey or jam. Throw an egg or a piece of hard cheese (champion for calcium), a yogurt or milk not lightened.
Continue reading “The easy way to eat healthy”

Foods that promote constipation

ConstipationTo fight against this digestive disorder, you should avoid consuming the 5 foods that are constipating following.

Fight against constipation by avoiding foods can be constipating. Live as constipation is clearly not fun, but unless you have a medical reason behind this problem which prevents defecate freely (by tightening the stomach), constipation is caused most likely by the foods you consumed.

So the food you eat are important in determining the ease of bowel movements. Other factors that can cause this digestive disorder is a lack of exercise or insufficient water intake.

If you want to fight against constipation, Natural Diet recommend avoiding the following 8 constipating foods : Continue reading “Foods that promote constipation”

Food diet: 7 days of balanced and dietary meals

repas-equilibre_regime_naturel6you can lose weight easily and lose 2-3 kilos in 1 week without much effort. You simply eating balanced with diet meals that we present, drinking plenty of water to eliminate more and above all, do not snack between meals. For efficiency and even faster results, we also recommend some physical activity in parallel with the balanced recipes that we offer. Continue reading “Food diet: 7 days of balanced and dietary meals”

Foods that remedies against constipation

K_constipation1Constipation is defined by health professionals as difficult to achieve defecation act. Constipation promotes swollen belly (or bloating), another inconvenience related to a difficulty of the body to ingest foods.

You can treat yourself through diet by eating foods rich in fiber. The fibers are a category of nutrients which is not converted into energy by digestive enzymes. As part of the fight against constipation, they have an essential role to absorb water in the intestine, whose role is to inflate the stool, thereby boosting the movement of expulsion of the large intestine
Continue reading “Foods that remedies against constipation”

How to lose weight with a diet, balanced diet

repas-equilibre_regime_naturel5It’s easy to lose weight and you do not really know how to do it? To lose weight permanently, it is better to make some dietary adjustments and some exercises rather than starve unnecessarily. Doctissimo gives you some tips to lose weight without false and quickly.

You can successfully lose a few kilos to two conditions: change your eating habits and increasing physical activity. If you do not practice any physical exercise today, it is not mandatory to play sports, but a daily walk or some swimming each week can already do a lot.
If you need to lose five kilos or more, please consult a doctor or dietitian because you need regular monitoring.
Continue reading “How to lose weight with a diet, balanced diet”

What exactly is an effective exercise for weight loss?

Exercices-hyper-simples-pour-abdos-fessiers-ventre5In this first workouts in fashion and gadgets, sometimes we get caught up in the hype, without knowing the reason behind it. People use words that sound interesting and exciting, but when you ask them to elaborate, they are unable to. It is the same with a workout routine, I saw trainers guide customers into a routine that I do not understand why they used the selection and sequence of exercises they did. Apparently, either. Maybe they saw someone else do it, maybe the drive was a new video developed by the next person with washboard abs. Either way, the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully build an individualized program and were replaced by lack of knowledge and aesthetically appealing physical. These days, it seems as if there is much confusion and debate about what really defines a great workout.
Continue reading “What exactly is an effective exercise for weight loss?”