How to lose weight and lose belly fat easily

regime-ventre-plat-alimentationHere’s a detailed explanation for all those who are wondering how to lose weight and lose belly fat easily in order to improve their figure or their health.
Please note, visceral fat are among the hardest to remove, so you have to take your courage in two hands and carefully follow the advice I’ll give you here.
For the others, we’ll start by talking about power, then we will also see the good habits and especially bad on which we will have to make a cross! Finally you will learn to choose the right exercises. I’ll also talk about some myths about weight loss, it is imperative that you know, or risk losing your motivation within weeks and even days … Continue reading “How to lose weight and lose belly fat easily”

How to lose belly fat using a natural diet

regime-naturel-astuces-pour-maigrir16Taking How to lose belly using a natural diet is a problem quite often, and regardless of the gender of the person. Indeed, the belly is one of the first parts of the body to store fat in obesity. When we know that abdominal fat can be a big contributing factor to the problems and heart attacks, we understand the importance of knowing how to lose belly fat using a natural diet. Moreover, it is not very elegant, if not unsightly and unattractive for a woman as for a man lugging a paunch every day. A big belly is indeed not an asset of seduction and dynamism in today’s society; on the contrary, it may even take to reduce your traction.

The first factor is coming into question the diet. In fact, a diet too rich in variety and high calorie fats logically leads to fat deposition in the body and primarily in the stomach. It will be necessary to solve How to lose belly using a natural diet to control your diet. In fact the aim is to reduce general surplus heat turned into fat in your body. Continue reading “How to lose belly fat using a natural diet”

How to lose weight with natural diet?

maigrir-6-astuces-sans-regimeYou have tried many times to lose weight, go on a diet is not so simple: drugs, dietary supplements, meal replacements, slimming creams, you have tried everything without any lasting result and above all, you are ruined. You will find in the article that follows, simple and radical solutions to slim down naturally through diet, healthy and without too many restrictions.

Lose weight in a week is possible, but can be very dangerous. Some plans (Draconian are effective at the beginning), they are binding and you have every chance to take back your excess weight quickly when you stop the diet. Doctors are quick to prescribe medications and other drugs to make you lose your excess weight, but lose weight simply and easily (without drugs) is the best solution.
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Tips to lose a few centimeters?

regime-naturel-astuces-pour-maigrir1Weight gain is always associated with an accumulation of fat in various parts of the body. Some carry more fat in their upper limbs, while others have in the belly. Women easily store fat in areas of the thighs, buttocks and hips. The concern is that having stored fat thighs creates lots of inconveniences. This is why many women seek to know how to lose a few centimeters. Here are a few tips:

Losing a few centimeters in parts of his body became paramount thing for most people. Did you know that nearly 400 000 people die each year in the US because of overweight-related complications? This is because being overweight causes a variety of problems, one of them is to increase the risk of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and the risk of heart attacks that come to most problems arteries clogged with trans fat deposits. Continue reading “Tips to lose a few centimeters?”

How little eat dinner to lose weight?

regime-naturel-astuces-pour-maigrir123It is often said that eating little at night makes you lose weight. Indeed, many nutritionist attest that eating light during the dinner helps lose excess weight.
It is important to know that the body uses calories the same whether the day than at night, the only difference being that when you sleep you spend less calories than when you are active in the morning.

You should know that eating a huge amount of food at a dinner does not involve storage of calories because the body will use all those calories later. but it takes little room in the evening to lose weight?
However, numerous scientific studies and some nutritionists are unanimous on the fact that little room in the evening helps to lose weight considerably.
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Orsoni method: the best flat belly foods

regime-naturel-astuces-pour-maigrir12A flat stomach is also a belly “healthy”, which digests quickly and well, without inflating or hurt. Be fuss of him, he will reward you …
One method to slim down, that respects the body and its internal balance, made us play sports without thinking and allows us to eat everything, even pasta and cheese? It is that of Valerie Orsoni.

The Orsoni method: this is not a diet
Yet another diet? Valerie Orsoni denies it. “I’m an old obese, says the founder of the method Orsoni. I have spent years fighting against the scales, I followed almost all plans: cabbage soup, high protein … With my father, also obese, we studied the principles of various schemes and we isolated effective and not dangerous concepts that have proven themselves in weight loss: GI (avoiding over-stretching insulin), acid-base balance (which preserves the natural balance of the body) … We created our own program, « and we have lost weight slowly but surely. » Continue reading “Orsoni method: the best flat belly foods”

12 tips to lose weight and stay motivated without thinking

regime-naturel-astuces-pour-maigrir19Losing weight does not mean depriving yourself of eating for hours. It is very important to choose the right foods and rebuild your diet plan, eating several times a day will not make you gain weight, provided that you choose foods that will help you speed up your metabolism and burn more calories. tricks that can change the way you eat and that will make you slim down, without even thinking, and here are some tips to Lose Weight for weight loss while keeping the form:

1 – Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your meals such as: fast sugar, flour, white rice, a point at which we are not careful is sugar, it should be decreased not only in hot drinks: tea, coffee, etc. but in all products containing sugar, cakes, sweets etc.

2 – If you want to lose weight, do not starve, that is feeling hungry all day. Do not eat for hours is increased risk of storing fat around your waist, buttocks, but also throughout the body, so you eat when hungry, but to choose low-calorie foods like green vegetables. They are low in calories and rich in nutrients that help us feel good.
Continue reading “12 tips to lose weight and stay motivated without thinking”

Good reflexes to lose weight effortlessly

regime-naturel-astuces-pour-maigrir13I divide my sugar conso 2
Why ? Sweetened products are called «empty calories» by nutritionists because they provide almost no vitamins or other micronutrients good.
How: You buy a tea or coffee of good quality so that we can drink it without sugar. Otherwise, a test cubes combining sugar and sweetener (Tutti Free), 3 times less calories.
We reserve sodas (7 pieces of sugar per can!) A few occasions.
We stop sweetened yogurt, and 1 teaspoon honey or 1 fresh fruit in natural yoghurt .
We go to Dark chocolate (15% less sugar compared to milk chocolate) easier to limit.
In cakes, reduces the proportion of 20% sugar.
Zap the sweet or sour sauces Thai trade, which provide up to 8 sugar lumps 100 g.

Fat, it takes; But not too much…
Why ? Fat are the energy nutrients: 9 kcal per gram against 4 kcal for carbohydrates (sugars) . By eating more fat than you think, you risk gaining weight.
How? It replaces the dairy Greek or enriched with cream (which provide the equivalent of 1 tsp. S. Of oil per 100 g pot) with fresh cheese semi-skimmed milk with 3% fat.
Zap casseroles casseroles type quiches, pizzas unless they contribute less than 20 grams of fat per serving.
Comparing calories fish or cutlets breaded and is confined to those who cook in the oven without fat.
We say goodbye to drink biscuits (30% fat) and bread home country bread toast with tzatziki or eggplant caviar.
Preferred wafers jam (350 kcal per 100 g) with chocolate cookies (500 kcal).
Continue reading “Good reflexes to lose weight effortlessly”

10 tips to lose weight faster

regime-naturel-astuces-pour-maigrir4You decided to take a little diet but whatever your method, you want to lose weight but only if it goes fast. Adopt our tips to lose weight more.
Drink plenty and often water, green tea, herbal teas and light soft drinks.

Forget transport
If you live in the countryside is a kilometer separates you from the bakery, consider biking or walking. If you live in town, get one or two stations before your stop or must: the Vélib for cities that are equipped.

If … Small hungry in the afternoon, enjoy.

Le goûter est un vrai mini-repas, contrairement au grignotage surtout lorsqu’il est pris régulièrement et motivé par une faim physiologique. Sachez que le goûter vous permet de mieux répartir les apports caloriques dans la journée, de mieux résister aux grignotages et de dîner plus léger. La seule condition : le goûter doit être équilibré, par exemple composé d’un produit céréalier, d’un produit laitier, d’un fruit et d’une boisson.
Afternoon tea is a real mini-meal, unlike snacking especially when taken regularly and motivated by a physiological hunger. Know that the taste allows you to better distribute the calorie intake throughout the day, to better resist snacking and lighter dinner. The only condition: the sample must be balanced, for example consisting of a cereal product, a dairy product, fruit and a drink.
Continue reading “10 tips to lose weight faster”