Our intestines treat 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of fluid over a period of 70 years. This means that about 7 kilograms of excrement and toxic waste accumulate in the intestines, and they contaminate our blood and cause irreparable damage to the body.
When the intestines are not clean, they have a number of symptoms, such as frequent constipation, disrupted metabolism, diabetes, excessive or underweight gain, kidney and liver diseases, hearing problems and vision, skin, hair and nail problems, as well as other diseases, from arthritis to cancer.
Therefore, you can prevent and cure many health problems by eliminating mucus, feces, and parasites from the intestine.
Enemas can only clean a small part of the colon, from 40 to 50 centimeters. In addition, this method requires a lot of time and damages the intestinal microflora.
However, we are revealing a method for cleaning the intestines of mucus, excrement and parasites, while preserving the intestinal microflora. This method will also ensure rapid weight normalization and fat burning and has a positive effect on the regulation of lipid metabolism.
All you need to do is consume 1-3 tablespoons of flax meal for three weeks.
- excessive body weight, lipid metabolism disorders
- gastritis, colitis, duodenum and stomach ulcer
- inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract
urinary tract diseases, infections, cystitis, pyelonephritis
Clean the bowel using flax flour - Recipe
Consume this mixture for 3 weeks, instead of breakfast:
- Week 1: 1 tablespoon of flax meal and 100 ml of kefir
- Week 2: 2 tablespoons flax meal and 100 ml kefir
- Week 3: 3 tablespoons flax meal and 150 ml kefir
Flax meal absorbs and eliminates toxins from the body and reduces the level of blood cholesterol. If you can not find flax meal at your local store, you can buy flaxseed and grind it finely.
This mixture is taken instead of breakfast, and note that you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. If possible, drink water mixed with honey, as this will give the best results.
You must also prepare a fresh portion every morning, and never do more for the next few days, because the seeds may become rancid.
Practice this cleaning method once a year.
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